Speccy says motherboard is hot
Speccy says motherboard is hot

speccy says motherboard is hot

There is a multitude of mainboard models in the HP "Aspen" line, yours is the MSI MS-7548 (Aspen). (note: to use Hybrid CrossfireX you will need a Radeon HD 3450 or 3470 graphics card ) According to the speccy summary you have six drives currently connected, now a 350watt psu can handle that load BUT if you add a graphics card DEFINETLY upgrade the psu at same time. I'm just waiting for the right time when my games need it.OEM's size the PSU to their designed system and there is very little wiggle room left over when adding additional powered internal devices. Next step is a total upgrade - mobo, ram, cpu. The only parts I'm using from my original built are the mobo. Then even later I got this E8400, got it to 4Ghz, added 2GB more of RAM and got the 5970 and a 800W Corsair. In 2007 I discovered Oblivion, and after registering here and reading and reading I decided to build my pc for the first time, bought a E4300, P5B mobo, 2GB RAM and 8600GTS. I upgraded to 512MB RAM and FX5500 graphics. Just so you get an idea, I originally had a pre-built system with a Pentium Willamette chip 1.6Ghz, FX440 graphics and 256MB RAM. I will be doing so though when I have no choice. I'd do it myself but then I don't really have the time right now, I prefer to spend my time either on the net or gaming rather than building and overclocking from scratch once more.

speccy says motherboard is hot

Thing is I love this cpu, it runs my games fine.

speccy says motherboard is hot

Is it possible for the bios temperature to be wrong? I mean if it was right at 62 degrees idle then heaven knows what temperature it would be reaching in-game and my pc would just shut off. Went back to check in windows and it was a nice 32 degrees again. I restarted and went back to bios and it was 62 degrees. Even in speccy and hwinfo where it's the general cpu temperature not just the cores. Immediately I went to check with coretemp, realtemp, speccy and hwinfo and my cpu was 32 degrees. Obviously with no load, because it's in the bios screen. So while I was in the bios I checked the CPU temperature and it was 62 degrees. These past 3 days, the date and time were going berserk and I had to reset my OC every time. Now it happened that my mobo's battery needs replacing. I never bothered to check the reading in the bios. I checked the temps (and just checked them now) with coretemp, realtemp, speccy and hwinfo. It idles between 30-35 degrees, and at load it's 55-58 degrees. I've had this E8400 for nearly 2 years now, I overclocked it to 4Ghz the same day I installed it and it's always been like that since then.

Speccy says motherboard is hot